Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

12 women's Disease

Presented in a booklet which summarized kartini 12 diseases that are often experienced by women. Here's what you need to know:
- Cystitis or bladder inflammation

Symptoms are frequent urination and accompanied by pain

How to avoid holding urine to prevent and clean up those intimate with clean water and frequent change of underwear

- Anemia

Symptoms are characterized by a state or condition of sluggish, tired, tired, weak, lackluster and pale

How to prevent perbanya eat vegetables that contain iron such as cassava leaves, spinach, mustard greens, kale and beans

- Whitish

Symptoms are characterized by a white discharge from female organs are greenish yellow, sticky, smelly and itchy.

How to try to prevent the female organs are always on the dry before dressing and use in dry clothing that absorbs sweat

- Frigidity
Characterized by the condition of women who remain "cool" even got a great stimulus. This situation makes women unable to enjoy sex

How to cope with financial consulting services to a psychiatrist in therapy to relieve frigidity

- Osteoporosis

Usually experienced by women after menopause due to reduced estrogen hormom. Decreased bone density makes bones brittle easy

How to prevent foot is linked with a speed of 4.5 km / per hour for 50 minutes, 5 times a week and multiply the consumption of calcium

- Gynecology down

The cause of the pelvic floor is weak or frequent childbirth

How to prevent forced straining during defecation and avoid lifting too heavy

- Stress

The cause pressure or a barrage of problems for a long time makes one a stress

How to cope with difficulties talking with people closest to ease the burden of mental and forget the problem for a while after it solved peacefully

- Premenstrual syndrome

Symptoms appear before menstruation, such as abdominal pain, dizziness, swollen breasts, body fatigue, irritability, decreased appetite and legs feel heavy

How to minimize the incidence of complaints that a few days before menstruation reduce consumption of salt and soda. Also do a diet to lose weight and exercise routine

- Amenorrhoea

Women of childbearing age will be getting your period regularly every month. But sometimes there is 3 months or later got my period. Abnormal menstrual cycle is called amenorrhoea

Cause, breastfeeding, contraception & menopause

How to resolve the causes. If overweight, lose weight until you reach your ideal weight

- Migraine

Trigger factor, such as stress, chocolate, coffee, sleep excess or lack of sleep, lack of food, changes in weather or air pressure, excessive emotion, odor, smoke cigarettes, before or during menstruation.

Migraine can be treated with medication or rest ordinary headaches

- Breast cancer

How to avoid stress prevention, fatty foods, smoking and alcoholic beverages. Expand vegetables, fruit and sports biahan

- Decreased platelets in ITP

abnormalities in blood clotting cells. Marked with red spots on the skin until the rash of blue. Triggers of relapse is tired and stressed

precautions to avoid fatigue. If you already feel tired you should rest. Also avoid stress


Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

10 Health Tips For Pregnant Women

Pregnancy for the expectant mother is a miracle who can not be purchased with the material. Pregnancy is often cause various health problems and psychiatric problems such as emotions and stress.

However, still periods of pregnancy becomes extraordinary moment is eagerly awaited by all prospective mothers. There are women who have waited for years to conceive, others who are not blessed with long immediately after marriage. Everything will leave unforgettable memories for women who do not.

Although much should they passed, the pregnancy is still something beautiful and amazing. However, women should have a lot of knowledge in preparation to undergo the process of pregnancy is not at all easy.

There are many things that need to be known by a woman to maintain a healthy body and her fetus. There are many preparations to be made to undergo childbirth smoothly.

Here are 10 tips that can be applied to pregnant women to maintain a healthy body and psychology before the birth of their babies have been waiting for.

In the early trimester of pregnancy expectant mothers should know some health problems that will happen and try to figure out the right solution without panic too much. Pregnant women should be aware that the early trimester of pregnancy are the most vulnerable moments of miscarriage so it is very risky for women to experience stress.

In the first trimester, pregnant women should maintain food intake to keep the fetus from birth defects. Consumption of folic acid 400 mg daily for 12 weeks is very important to be applied to maintain the health of babies.

Women who smoke or consume alcohol and should be stopped immediately after finding out that they are pregnant. The risk of smoking and alcohol on the baby so bad that it is important to keep infants from both.

In the first trimester, pregnant women will be susceptible to nausea. It can not be a reason for not eating at all. An empty stomach can aggravate nausea and complaints can degrade the health of pregnant women who will be harmful to their fetuses. They should eat bananas to fill the stomach and started looking for food with the fresh scent like ginger biscuits, tea, salad, orange juice, or mint.

In the first trimester, pregnant women should have a high psychological strength that can conquer all the difficulties of early pregnancy that is usually not easy, especially for women who first passed the pregnancy in her life.

Women who are pregnant usually often experience drowsiness. Pregnant women should not put off to sleep when they are getting sleepy. It is important to maintain stamina and energy stores to be ready to face the problem of pregnancy. A strong body will be able to cope with the problems better.

Pregnant women have to work extra hard in maintaining health. Therefore, food intake must be carefully guarded. Foods that contain lots of vitamin A should be avoided. While the iron-containing foods should be consumed to prevent anemia. UV rays also should be avoided to prevent skin problems that often occur in pregnant women.

Entering the second trimester, pregnant women should begin to increase exercise to prepare for the birth. In addition, sport is also very good for pregnant women overcome health problems such as flatulence and body limp. Swimming, jogging, pilates, and yoga are highly recommended to fill the second trimester.

Pregnant women are advised also to maintain emotional stability during the second trimester by doing activities on vacation.

In the last trimester, pregnant women should be quiet and relax to prepare for the birth. Everything that is important for the preparation of such birth pregnancy exercise and others should be implemented with discipline.